Terminology management
Terminology management is the process of arranging a lot of terms which are used locally (e.g. within a company). The purpose of this is to organise and collect the terminology as well as obtain consistency.
OnLine Translation offers two types of terminology management:
- Organisation of terminology lists, which the customer holds in a given format (e.g. Word, Excel, Access etc.). These are then converted into a format that can be entered and arranged in a single term base consisting of the terminology used in the customer's company. Furthermore, we offer suggestions for an input model, i.e. a model for the information which should accompany each term (such as definition, subject area and grammar information). Afterwards, the term base is sent to the customer in the desired format.
- Extraction of terms from existing texts, if these are available in different languages. Normally, we prepare a candidate list of suggested terms for inclusion in the term base, and send it to the customer. Alternatively, the customer may choose to leave the selection of terms to us.